Monday, February 28, 2011

Tweaking Google Code's Issues Gadget

I'm a big fan of Google Code where I host the littleware project. I've been playing around with gcode's issue tracker trying to figure out some way to embed the tasks associated with a code sprint into the sprint's overview documentation, and I eventually stumbled upon a nice issue-tracker gadget in a Gadgets for Google Code bLog entry that almost does what I want, but not quite!

Fortunately, it turns out that the issue-tracker gadget is one of the gadgets developed by google's code-hosting team, and the code is open source here. I cloned a copy of their issue-tracker gadget under a littleware 'gadgets' repository, and was able to add a milestone parameter to the gadget with only a little bit of trouble. I think I'm all set!

I submitted an issue with the gadgets for google code project with some information about my patch. It would be cool if they fold the patch into their code - we'll see what happens.

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