Thursday, November 24, 2011

Escaping Java classpath wildcard on Windows command line!

I had a ridiculous battle with a set of .bat scripts that I wrote to launch java command line applications on Windows. I'm working on a suite of related little tools that I bundle into a zip file with a bunch of .jar files under a /lib/ folder, and launch scripts under a /bin/ folder that each look something like this:

@echo off

if not defined JAVACMD set JAVACMD=java.exe
if defined JAVA_HOME set JAVACMD="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe"

%JAVACMD% "-Djava.util.logging.config.file=%~dps0..\config\" -cp "%~dps0..\lib\*" %*

So I'm trying to use the nifty java classpath * wildcard introduced with java 6, but I had a terrible time with windows insisting on expanding /lib/* in the shell regardless of how I tried to quote or escape the thing! I was driving myself crazy, when I finally got the genious idea to just add a semicolon, so /lib/*; doesn't look like a path to Windows Powershell or CMD (I guess), and the following works:

@echo off

if not defined JAVACMD set JAVACMD=java.exe
if defined JAVA_HOME set JAVACMD="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe"

%JAVACMD% "-Djava.util.logging.config.file=%~dps0..\config\" -cp "%~dps0..\lib\*;" %*

What an amazingly stupid waste of time!


ankon said...

Thank you for this idea, I'm fighting with the same issue currently.

Could you tell me the version of java and windows you're using?

Unknown said...

Hi Ankon - I was using jdk6 at the time (don't know which sub-version) on Windows 7 - Good luck!