Saturday, March 20, 2021

A little framework for scala builders

Many developers use immutable data structures in application code, and leverage the builder pattern to construct the application's initial state, and progress to new versions of the state in response to user inputs and other side effects. The scala programming language supports immutable data structures well, but does not provide a native implementation of the builder pattern. The following describes a simple but useful scala builder framework that leverages re-usable data-validation lambda functions.

A Scala Framework for Builders

The following are typical examples of an immutable case class in scala:

 * Little resource name URI:
 * "lrn://${cloud}/${api}/${project}/${resourceType}/${drawer}/${path}"
trait LRN {
    val cloud: String
    val api: String
    val projectId: UUID
    val resourceType: String
    val drawer: String
    val path: String

 * Path based sharing - denormalized data
case class LRPath(
    cloud: String,
    api: String,
    projectId: UUID,
    resourceType: String,
    drawer: String,
    path: String
) extends LRN {

 * Id based sharing - normalized data
case class LRId(
    cloud: String,
    api: String,
    projectId: UUID,
    resourceType: String,
    resourceId: UUID
) extends LRN {
    override val drawer = ":"
    val path = resourceId.toString()

Builders like the following simplify object construction and validation (compared to passing all the property values to the constructor).

object LRN {
    val zeroId:UUID = UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")

    trait Builder[T <: LRN] extends PropertyBuilder[T] {
        val cloud = new Property("") withName "cloud" withValidator dnsValidator
        val api = new Property("") withName "api" withValidator LRN.apiValidator
        val projectId = new Property[UUID](null) withName "projectId" withValidator notNullValidator
        val resourceType = new Property("") withName "resourceType" withValidator LRN.resourceTypeValidator
        val path = new Property("") withName "path" withValidator pathValidator

        def copy(lrn:T):this.type = this.projectId(lrn.projectId).api(lrn.api

        def fromSession(session:Session): this.type =

    class LRPathBuilder extends Builder[LRPath] {        
        val drawer = new Property("") withName "drawer" withValidator drawerValidator

        override def copy(other:LRPath) = super.copy(other).drawer(other.drawer)

        def build():LRPath = {
            LRPath(cloud(), api(), projectId(), resourceType(), drawer(), path())

    class LRIdBuilder extends Builder[LRId] {
        def build():LRId = {
            LRId(cloud(), api(), projectId(), resourceType(), UUID.fromString(path()))

    def apiValidator = rxValidator(raw"[a-z][a-z0-9-]+".r)(_, _)

    def drawerValidator(value:String, name:String) = rxValidator(raw"([\w-_.*]+:)*[\w-_.*]+".r)(value, name) orElse {
        if (value.length > 1000) {
            Some(s"${name} is too long: ${value}")
        } else {

    def pathValidator(value:String, name:String) = pathLikeValidator(value, name) orElse {
        if (value.length > 1000) {
            Some(s"${name} is too long: ${value}")
        } else {

    def resourceTypeValidator = rxValidator(raw"[a-z][a-z0-9-]{1,20}".r)(_, _)

    // ...

This builder implementation does not leverage the type system to detect construction errors at compile time (this blog shows an approach with phantom types), but it is composable in a straight forward way. A couple fun things about this implementation are that it leverages the builder pattern to define the properties in a builder (new Property... withName ... withValidator ...), and the setters on the nested property class return the parent Builder type, so we can write code like this:

    def testLRNBuilder() = try {
        val builder = builderProvider.get(

        val lrn =
        assertTrue(s"api equal: ${lrn.api} ?= ${builder.api()}", lrn.api == builder.api())
    } catch basicHandler

Unfortunately, the code (in under littleAudit/ and littleScala/) is in a state of flux, but the base PropertyBuilder can be copied into another code base - something like this:

 * Extends Validator with support for some scala types
trait LittleValidator extends Validator {
  override def validate():Unit = {
    val errors = checkSanity()
    if ( ! errors.isEmpty ) {
      throw new ValidationException(
        errors.foldLeft(new StringBuilder)( (sb,error) => { sb.append( error ).append( littleware.base.Whatever.NEWLINE ) } ).toString

   * Same as checkIfValid, just scala-friendly return type
  def checkSanity():Iterable[String]

trait PropertyBuilder[B] extends LittleValidator {
  builder =>
  import PropertyBuilder._
  type BuilderType = this.type

  import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer

   * List of properties allocated under this class - used by isReady() below -
   * use with caution.
  protected val props:Buffer[Property[_]] = Buffer.empty

   * Default implementation is props.flatMap( _.checkSanity ) 
  def checkSanity():Seq[String] = props.toSeq.flatMap( _.checkSanity() )

  override def toString():String = props.mkString(",")   

  def copy(value:B):BuilderType
  def build():B

   * Typical property, so build has things like
   *     val a = new Property(-1) withName "a" withValidator { x => ... }
   * Note: this type is intertwined with PropertyBuilder - don't
   *    try to pull it out of a being a subclass - turns into a mess
  class Property[T](
      var value:T
    ) extends LittleValidator {    
    type Validator = (T,String) => Option[String]

    def apply():T = value

    var name:String = "prop" + builder.props.size
    var validator:Validator  = (_, _) => None

    override def checkSanity() = validator(this.value,
    def withValidator(v:Validator):this.type = {
      validator = v

    def withName(v:String):this.type = { = v

    override def toString():String = "" + name + "=" + value + " (" + checkSanity().mkString(",") + ")"

    /** Chainable assignment */
    def apply(v:T):BuilderType = { value = v; builder }

    builder.props += this 

   * Property accepts multiple values
  class BufferProperty[T] extends Property[Buffer[T]](Buffer.empty) {
    def add( v:T ):BuilderType = { value += v; builder }
    def addAll( v:Iterable[T] ):BuilderType = { value ++= v; builder }
    def clear():BuilderType = { value.clear(); builder; }

    def withMemberValidator(memberValidator:(T,String) => Option[String]):this.type =
        (buff, propName) => buff.view.flatMap({ it => memberValidator(it, propName) }).headOption

  class OptionProperty[T] extends Property[Option[T]](None) {
    def set(v:T):BuilderType = { value = Option(v); builder }

    def withMemberValidator(memberValidator:(T,String) => Option[String]):this.type =
        (option, propName) => option.flatMap({ it => memberValidator(it, propName) })


object PropertyBuilder {  
  /** littleware.scala.Messages resource bundle */
  val rb = java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle( "littleware.scala.Messages" )

  def rxValidator(rx:Regex)(value:String, name:String):Option[String] = {
    if (null == value || !rx.matches(value)) {
      Some(s"${name}: ${value} !~ ${rx}")
    } else {

  def notNullValidator(value:AnyRef, name:String):Option[String] = {
    if (null == value) {
      Some(s"${name}: is null")
    } else {

  def positiveIntValidator(value:Int, name:String):Option[String] = {
    if (value <= 0) {
      Some(s"${name}: is not positive")
    } else {

  def positiveLongValidator(value:Long, name:String):Option[String] = {
    if (value <= 0) {
      Some(s"${name}: is not positive")
    } else {

  def dnsValidator = rxValidator(raw"([\w-]{1,40}\.){0,10}[\w-]{1,40}".r)(_, _)
  def emailValidator = rxValidator(raw"[\w-_]{1,20}@\w[\w-.]{1,20}".r)(_, _)
  def pathLikeValidator = rxValidator(raw"([\w-:_.*]{1,255}/){0,20}[\w-:_.*]{1,255}".r)(_, _)


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