Sunday, June 30, 2019

Hydrate an AWS Account

You just got your brand spankin' new AWS account, and your team is launching like a rocket into the cloud. How should you set this account thing up? Before playing with EC2 instances and S3 buckets and all the other toys at the application layer of the stack; you should figure out how you want to authenticate, authorize, and monitor users manipulating your base cloud infrastructure.

The following process describes one approach to inflate an AWS account before beginning application development. Although the steps taken here are only suitable for a single account setup for an individual or small team, the approach (setting up authentication, roles for authorization, monitoring, a simple budget, and basic alerts) generalizes for use with a multi-account AWS organization.

The Plan

Here's what we're going to do

  • login as the account's root user, and setup an IAM bootstrap user with admin privileges, so we can acquire credentials to run through a suite of account-bootstrap scripts.

  • run an accountBootstrap script to setup some basic infrastructure for deploying cloudformation stacks.

  • deploy a series of cloudformation stacks

    • IAM groups and roles for:
      • administrators - with write access to IAM and cloudtrail as well as operator permissions
      • operators - with write access to whatever services you want available for use in the account, except only read access to cloudtrail and IAM
      • developers - with access required to develop, test, deploy, and monitor applications that use infrastructure put into place by administrators and operators
    • an SNS topic for publishing alert notifications
    • a cloudtrail that logs updates to your account
    • a set of cloudwatch alarms that publish notifications to administrators (via the SNS topic described above) when various events occur:
      • IAM policy changes
      • root account access
      • budget limit exceeded
      • guard duty event
  • finally - setup an initial administrator account using the new infrastructure, and delete the temporary bootstrap user

Setup an AWS bootstrap user

Login to the root account, and do the following:

  • enable MFA on the root account
  • setup a bootstrap IAM user with MFA enabled and admin privileges:
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": "*",
    "Resource": "*",
    "Condition": {
        "Bool": {
            "aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent": "true"
  • download the access key pair for the new account, and setup ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config - ex:
[profile bootstrap-ohio]
region = us-east-2
output = json
mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::123456789:mfa/bootstrap

Install software tools

These instructions assume your command shell has access to the following tools: bash, the jq json tool, git, and the aws cli.

  • download the cloudformation templates and helper scripts from our git repository:

    git clone
  • add the little tool to your command path

    # assuming you're running a bash shell or similar
    alias little="bash $(pwd)/misc-stuff/AWS/"
    export LITTLE_HOME="$(pwd)/misc-stuff/AWS"
  • run the bootstrap script - it does the following:

    • deploys a block on s3 public access
    • creates an s3 bucket for cloudformation templates
    • sets a password policy for IAM users


export AWS_PROFILE="bootstrap-ohio"
little accountBootstrap
  • finally - prepare the inputs to our cloudformation stacks.
    • make a copy of the account-specific stack-parameters:
      cp AWS/misc-stuff/db/frickjack AWS/misc-stuff/db/YOUR-ACCOUNT
    • make whatever changes are appropriate for your account. For example - change the SNS notify e-mail in AWS/db/cloudformation/YourAccount/accountSetup/snsNotify.json
    • customize the cloudformation templates under misc-stuff/AWS/lib/cloudformation/ for your account. For example - the IamSetup.json template sets up an IAM policy that allows access to S3 and lambda and APIGateway API's, because I'm interested in those serverless technologies, but you may want to add permissions for accessing the EC2 and VPC API's.

What's the idea?

Before we start deploying stacks let's talk about the ideas we're implementing.


The Right Way to Authenticate

First, authentication - how should a user prove who he is? AWS IAM has primitives for setting up users and groups, but that's not your best option for establishing a user's identity, because it's one more thing you need to maintain.

Instead of administering identity with users and groups in IAM under an AWS account - it's better to setup federated authentication with Google Apps or Office365 or some other identity provider that you already maintain with multi-factor auth and a password policy and all that other good stuff. If you don't already have an identity provider, then AWS has its own service, AWS SSO

While you're at it - you might setup an organization, because whatever you're doing it is bound to be wildly successful, and you'll wind up setting up multiple accounts for your galloping unicorn, and an organization helps simplify that administration.

Not the Right Way to Authenticate

If you don't already have an SSO identity provider, and you don't have someone to do it for you, then setting up an SSO and AWS federation and an AWS organization may seem like a lot of work just to manage a small team's access to AWS API's. So let's not do things the right way, but let's not be completely wrong either. We can emulate the right way.

  • require MFA for user authentication
  • enforce a password length and rotation policy
  • require rotation of user access keys
  • associate each user with at least one group
  • associate each group with an IAM role, so that a group member gains access to AWS API's by acquiring a temporary credentials via a multifactor-signed call to sts

This authentication setup ensures that access to AWS API's comes either from AWS managed temporary credentials passed directly to AWS resources like EC2 or labmda via something like the AWS metadata service, or a user must pass mutlifactor authentication to acquire a temporary token directly. Hopefully this authentication setup will protect our account from being compromised due to an exposed secret.


Now that we have a mechanism to securely authenticate users and services that want to access AWS API's, how should we decide which privileges to grant different users? Our iamSetup cloudformation stack sets up three groups of users each associated with its own IAM role:

  • administrator
  • operator
  • developer

We restrict write permission to IAM policies to the administrators that are trained to enforce least privilege access. We want to restrict which users can disable cloudtrail, because there's no reason to do that.

The administrator group shares permissions to create other (non-IAM) AWS resources (whatever we want to allow in our account) with the group of operators. I'm not sure if it makes sense to have both an administrator group and an operator group, but one scenario might be that an administrator can setup IAM policies conditional on resource tags for a particular application or whatever, and an operator (maybe a devops specialist on a team) can then create and delete resources with the appropriate tags.

The developer group members cannot create new resources directly, but they do have permissions to deploy new versions of an application (udpate a lambda, or change the backend on an api gateway, or upgrade an EC2 AMI, or modify S3 objects - that kind of thing).

Finally - each application service has its own IAM role attached to its ECS container or EC2 instances or lambda or whatever. The administrator, operator, and developer roles should only be available to human users; each application's role grants the minimum privilege that service requires.


A consistent tagging strategy allows everyone to easily determine the general purpose of a resource and who is responsible for the resource's allocation and billing. Something like this works, but there are many ways to do it.

"Tagging": {
        "TagSet": [
                "Key": "org",
                "Value": "devops"
                "Key": "project",
                "Value": "infrastructure"
                "Key": "stack",
                "Value": "main"
                "Key": "stage",
                "Value": "prod"
              "Key": "role",
              "Value": "cloudformation-bucket"
  • org: which billing organization owns this resource
  • project: which project or application
  • stack: a project or application may have multiple deployments - for different clients or whatever
  • stage: a particular application stack may have multiple deployments for different stages of the development process (qa, staging, production)
  • role: what is the purpose of the resource?

Logs, Metrics, Monitoring, and Alerts

I was slow to understand what's up with cloudwatch and sns, but it's not that complicated. SNS is a pub-sub system - a client publishes something to a topic, and subscribers (lambda functions, e-mail, SQS, queues, ...) immediately receive whatever was published - no queueing or flow control - just a way to decouple systems.

Cloudwatch logs is a place to save log ("event") streams. Cloudwatch events lets listeners subscribe for notificates of various events from the AWS control plane. Cloudwatch metrics lets applications publish metrics like load, response time, number of requests, whatever. Cloudwatch alarms fire actions (lambda, SNS publication, ...) triggered by rules applied to metrics, events, and logs.

For example - our cloudformation stack sets up a notifications topic in SNS that our cloudwatch alarms publish to; and we setup alarms to send notifications when changes are made to IAM, or when the root account is accessed, or when an account approaches its budget limit, or when AWS guard duty detects something ... that kind of thing.

Deploy the stacks

Ok - let's do this thing. As the bootstrap user:

  • setup IAM groups and roles
little stack create "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/iamSetup.json"

Check if the stack came up successfully:

little stack events "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/iamSetup.json"

If not, then you can delete the stack, fix whatever the problem is, and try again:

little stack delete "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/iamSetup.json"

Similarly, you can modify a successfully deployed stack later:

little stack update "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/iamSetup.json"
  • setup a real user for yourself

The iamSetup stack creates administrator, operator, and developer groups and roles - where members of each group can assume the corresponding role. Use the AWS web console to create a user (with MFA, etc) for yourself via the console, and add the user to the administrator group. Download an access key for the new user, and configure your local ~/.aws/config, so that you can run commands with an administrator token - something like this:

region = us-east-1
output = json
mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::012345678901:mfa/yourUser

[profile admin-ohio]
region = us-east-2
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::012345678901:role/littleware/account/user/littleAdmin
source_profile = default
mfa_serial = arn:aws:iam::012345678901:mfa/yourUser

With these credentials in place, you can run commands like the following. These tools will prompt you for an MFA code when necessary to acquire a fresh access token:

export AWS_PROFILE=admin-ohio
aws s3 ls
little env | grep AWS_

You can now deploy the following stacks as the new administrator user, and delete the bootstrap user.

  • setup cloudtrail

Update the cloudtrail parameters (AWS/db/cloudformation/YourAccount/accountSetup/cloudTrail.json) with a bucket name unique to your account - something like cloudtrail-management-$YourAccountName. You can retrieve the name of your account with aws iam list-account-aliases.

little stack create "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/cloudTrail.json"
  • setup an SNS topic

Remember to set the notification e-mail in the parameters before deploying the SNS stack; or customize the template with a subscriber for whatever notification channel (Slack, SMS, ...) you prefer. You can always add more subscribers to the topic later.

little stack create "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/snsNotify.json"
  • setup alarms

Update the stack parameter files for the alaram stacks (AWS/db/YourAccount/accountSetup/*Alarm.json) to reference the new SNS topic (aws sns list-topics) before deploying the following stacks:

little stack create "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/guardDuty.json"

little stack create "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/budgetAlarm.json"

little stack create "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/rootAccountAlarm.json"

little stack create "$LITTLE_HOME/db/cloudformation/YourAccountNameHere/accountSetup/iamAlarm.json"


We presented a simple way to secure API access in a new AWS account with authentication, authorization, a tagging strategy, a notification topic in SNS, basic cloudtrail logging, guard duty monitoring, and a few alarms. This simple setup is just a first step for a small team's journey into cloud security. A more sophisticated deployment would leverage AWS organizations and SSO. A larger organization may setup configuration rules, administrative accounts for centralized logging and alerts, and the journey goes on and on (we haven't even deployed an application yet).