I wrote a scala trait the other day with a "companion package" instead of the usual "companion object". I was pretty happy with how the code came together, so thought I'd write a quick post to my poor neglected bLog.
I often write a scala trait that defines an interface to some tool that manages access to a data repository or manipulates data in some way. I usually define the interface traits to different tools provided by some module "bla" in a "bla.controller" sub-package. I define bla's data model in a "model" sub-package, and classes that simply support a tool's interface in the tool's companion object, so something like this:
package bla package controller trait Tool { def get( id:String ):model.Data def search( query:String ):Tool.SearchResult ... } object Tool { case class SearchResult( query:String, matches:Iterable[model.IndexEntry] ) {} object SomeEnum extends Enumeration { val A, B, C = Value } trait Builder { var creds:Credentials = null def creds( value:Credentials ):this.type = {creds = value; this } var endPoint:URL = new URL( "http://default.end.point" ) def endPoint( value:URL ):this.type = { endPoint = value; this } ... def build():Tool } /** Factory necessary if not running in IOC container - ugh */ object Factory extends Supplier[Builder] { def get():Builder = internal.SimpleTool.Factory.get() } }
Anyway - that pattern works great most of the time, but the other day I was working on a tool with several supporting types in the companion object, and the Tool.scala file was growing fatter than I like. Fortunately - it turns out we can accomplish the same semantics as a companion object with a companion package like this:
package bla package controller trait Tool { ... } package Tool { // ... object Factory extends Supplier[Builder] { ... } }
The companion package approach has the advantage that we can split out some of the types defined in the companion package to their own files, so we could have a bla/DataHelper/Factory.scala like this:
package bla package controller package Tool object Factory extends Supplier[Tool] { ... }
The companion package can define "static" constants in a package object, and we can move the tool-specific implementation classes to its own bla.controller.Tool.internal package rather than the shared bla.controller.internal package.
Finally - changing companion object code to the companion package pattern does not require changes to client code (code that uses Tool) - just a recompile.
Anyway - I like the way things fit together with the companion package pattern.