I'm building a simple JSF-3 web application that implements backing beans in Scala 2.8 One bean includes Enumeration properties that a JSF web-form exposes to clients via a combo-box control configured via a key-value map.
<h:selectOneMenu id="patronType" value="#{sampleBean.patronType}"> <f:selectItems value="#{sampleBean.patronTypes}" /> </h:selectOneMenu>
The sampleBean's definition includes patronType and paronTypes properties which are Enumeration subtypes.
object PatronType extends Enumeration { val Student, Faculty, Other = Value } ... @ManagedBean @RequestScoped class SampleBean extends InjectMeBean { private def enumToMap( enum:Enumeration ):java.util.Map[String,Enumeration#Value] = ((new ImmutableMap.Builder[String,Enumeration#Value]) /: enum.values) ( (builder,member) => builder.put( member.toString, member ) ).build ... @reflect.BeanProperty var patronType:PatronType.Value = PatronType.Student @reflect.BeanProperty val patronTypes:java.util.Map[String,Enumeration#Value] = enumToMap( PatronType ) }
I originally defined the patronTypes property as a mapping from String to PatronType.Value.
@reflect.BeanProperty val patronTypes:java.util.Map[String,PatronType.Value] = ((new ImmutableMap.Builder[String,PatronType.Value]) /: enum.values) ( (builder,member) => builder.put( member.toString, member ) ).build
I introduced the enumToMap method to share that code block between several similar properties with different Enumeration types. Unfortunately - a subtype-specific enumToMap implementation has on output type that depends on an input parameter.
scala> def enumToMap( enum:Enumeration ):java.util.Map[String,enum.Value] = | ((new ImmutableMap.Builder[String,enum.Value]) /: enum.values) ( | (builder,member) => builder.put( member.toString, member ) | ).build <console>:6: error: illegal dependent method type def enumToMap( enum:Enumeration ):java.util.Map[String,enum.Value] = ^
I tried several variations on this theme, but finally settled on the enumToMap implementation that just leverages the Enumeration#Value base type. I googled around while working on this code, and stumbled across the fact that scala includes limited experimental support for dependent method types - that will be very cool if it evolves to production status.
Scala's instance-attached nested types have advantages, but they feel alien to an experienced java developer like me.
scala> class A { | var a = "A" | class B { | var b = "B" | } | var b = new B | } defined class A scala> val a1 = new A a1: A = A@6489f0 scala> val a2 = new A a2: A = A@15c44d6 scala> a1.b = a2.b <console>:9: error: type mismatch; found : a2.B required: a1.B a1.b = a2.b ^